Digital Factory

What does it mean to be a key OEM supplier?

New car models are coming onto the market every day. And each new model is accompanied by a number of variants that we as customers can choose from. The effects are obvious. The number of Just in Sequence (JIS) suppliers – those…

New car models are coming onto the market every day. And each new model is accompanied by a number…

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TAL 2023: What Safran's digital transformation looks like

The purpose of any change in company operation should be to improve, whether in terms of efficiency…

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Five tips for successfully digitalising a plastics production line

Plastics manufacturing is a knotty problem for digitalisation – but it can be untangled…

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Automation diminishes flexibility. Aimtec’s Rostislav Schwob explains how to restore it.

A full 95% of the firms approached in the Trends in Czech Logistics 2022 study stated that they…

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Clean up the data jungle, centralize and prepare data for advanced production

The quality of system outputs corresponds to the quality of the inputs. This simple formula has…

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Data. Data. And more data! How can you master it and ensure it’s clear and on time?

In manufacturing and logistics, you’re faced with mountains of data, and you need to master those…

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Reporting, digitization and 3D visualization streamlines logistics processes by tens of percent

The complexity of today's industrial production brings manufacturing companies a huge amount of…

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Digitalisation brings new perspectives on manufacturing efficiency

A register of scrap and manufactured units, operator and machine downtime tracking… approaches like…

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Digitalisation platforms – an inexhaustible tool for manufacturing optimisation

Have you ever had the feeling that your manufacturing can’t be optimised any further, and you’ve…

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With DCIx7, the dream of a digitalisation platform running in the cloud becomes a reality

The User Group for Aimtec’s DCIx met up at the start of this May in Pilsen, and attendees could…

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Ivan Marinec: The role of data in the digitalisation of automotive logistics

The typical causes for automation failures all usually share the same roots. These are: low-quality…

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