
“People and data are worth their weight in gold.” The best quotes from the Trends in Automotive Logistics Conference 2024

People, data and sustainability: these are the topics that resounded at the Trends in Automotive Logistics Conference 2024, subtitled Driving the Digital Fast Lane. How can you drive safely in digitalisation’s fast lane while…

People, data and sustainability: these are the topics that resounded at the Trends in Automotive…

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Focus on your business and let professionals manage your IT systems

One thing is certain: cyberattacks are here to stay, so we have no choice but to be prepared and…

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The Trends in Automotive Logistics Conference 2024: In the fast lane of the digitalisation highway

Digital transformation is like a road that enterprises drive down to adapt to changing conditions…

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Warehouse and Shop floor Electronics’ Worst Foes

Manufacturing and storage spaces are often demanding environments, presenting a challenge not only…

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The Zebra Technologies MC9400: A Brand‑new Scanner and Other New Features

Almost five million MC9000 terminals are helping worldwide to simplify and improve processes in…

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Cyberattacks are stronger and smarter every day. Protect yourself with the cloud.

Cyberattacks today are not just a matter for major multinationals; they’re hitting small and medium…

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Driving manufacturing change with Tom Bianculli, CTO of Zebra Technologies

Thomas Bianculli, CTO of Zebra Technologies, shared his insights at the TAL2023 Conference…

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Brano ‑ the path to 21st century logistics

From complete locking mechanisms, other mechanical parts, door handles to fuel tank caps for Skoda…

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Klaus Straub: Key factors of digital transformation at TAL2023 Conference

Klaus Straub, Co-CEO of and former CIO & SVP at BMW Group, shared insights at the…

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TAL 2023: What Safran's digital transformation looks like

The purpose of any change in company operation should be to improve, whether in terms of efficiency…

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