Results EDI

3 tips for strengthening automotive supply chains

The last few years have been full of upheavals that have exposed the hidden weaknesses of…

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Migrating to SAP S/4HANA: Harness the potential of EDI for supply chain optimisation

SAP is one of the world’s most widely used ERP systems today, and its first version dates all the…

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Global Flexibility with B2G E-Invoicing

Business is constantly evolving in our digitalised age. The transition to electronic Invoicing (e…

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Three tips for EDI migration in the automotive industry without a hitch

Electronic Data Interchange systems are the lifeline of communications in the automotive industry.…

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When EDI migration means a real upgrade

Few things inspire more dread in the imagination of IT department heads than EDI migration. Even…

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EDI - A Communication Standard in the Automotive Industry

There is currently no alternative for the exchange of information between suppliers and their…

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How not to get lost in the flood of OEM concepts in EDI communication

Recall (4905, 4984, DELFOR, 4A3, ANSI 830). Yes, this is also the OEM requirements for EDI…

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Now that we have the data, let's mine it across the supply chain

Visibility. A key word in today's automotive industry. Specifically, supply chain visibility. In…

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