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Aimtec Integration Platform: An Effective Solution for EDI, WebEDI and Systems Integration

In the globalised, interconnected world of industry today, flexibility and effectiveness are crucial for staying competitive. And tools that go beyond just handling ordinary operations and further streamline your processes are…

In the globalised, interconnected world of industry today, flexibility and effectiveness are…

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We must not forget the values that support our foundations

For the first time in Aimtec’s history, neither of its founders is serving as its CEO. Jaroslav…

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“People and data are worth their weight in gold.” The best quotes from the Trends in Automotive Logistics Conference 2024

People, data and sustainability: these are the topics that resounded at the Trends in Automotive…

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3 tips for strengthening automotive supply chains

The last few years have been full of upheavals that have exposed the hidden weaknesses of…

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Efficient in the Dark: The Five Phases on the Way to a Dark Warehouse

Fully automated warehouses – dark warehouses – aren’t just science fiction anymore. They’re coming…

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Efficient in the Dark: The Dark Warehouse as the Future of Warehouse Logistics

Warehouse logistics is always a challenge for manufacturers. The movements of a large quantity of…

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Scherdel ‑ Flexibility as a key goal of automation

Inhouse logistics starts to be a difficult issue from companies of medium size. One such company is…

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Digital Factory

What does it mean to be a key OEM supplier?

New car models are coming onto the market every day. And each new model is accompanied by a number…

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TAL 2023: What Safran's digital transformation looks like

The purpose of any change in company operation should be to improve, whether in terms of efficiency…

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Five tips for successfully digitalising a plastics production line

Plastics manufacturing is a knotty problem for digitalisation – but it can be untangled…

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